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General News of Thursday, 15 June 2017


NDC must consider selling Kwesi Botchwey report - Alhaji Naziru

Alhaji Naziru Mohammed of the opposition National Democratic Congress Communications department has advised the leadership of the party to consider putting the Kwesi Botchwey report up for sale.

According to the soft spoken communicator, the party must think of ways of making money and one of them is by selling copies of the research findings for profit since the general public have developed great interest in the yet to be publicized report.

" . . NDC must take advantage of the high level of interest shown in what the research findings say. It is a way to recoup the investment into the project and also make extra money for the party," he said on UTV's 'Adekye Nsroma'.

Alhaji Naziru Mohammed made this known during a panel discussion of perceived cracks in the NDC and efforts to regroup after losing the 2016 general elections.

The Founder of the Party, President Jerry John Rawlings recently admonished the rank and file to be "consistent" and went further to say the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) won the last elections due to their consistency.

A commission was instituted to look into the parties mistakes which translated into bad electoral fortunes.

This Commission, which was headed by Prof. Kwesi Botwey, a one-time Finance Minister in the Rawlings Administration has completed its work but Ghanaians are very much interested in the Commission's findings.

Even before the report is made public, pundits have speculated and predicted what it may capture but Alhaji Naziru want the out of the research sold for profit.