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General News of Wednesday, 10 May 2017


NPP Council of Elders to determine fate of Otiko and Bugri today

Daniel Bugri Naabu, the Northern Regional Chairman and Madam Afisa Otiko Djaba. Daniel Bugri Naabu, the Northern Regional Chairman and Madam Afisa Otiko Djaba.

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) Council of Elders will today meet over the raging feud between Daniel Bugri Naabu, the Northern Regional Chairman of the party and Minister for Gender and Social Protection, Madam Afisa Otiko Djaba.

Both officers of the party were last week engaged in a banter leading to the trading of accusations and counter accusations using unprintable words to describe each other.

According Mr Bugri Naabu, the Minister came to his jurisdiction and was holding meetings with party executives at Modern City Hotel without his prior notice and consent describing the said meetings as illegal.

He was said to have led some party supporters to disrupt the meeting he claimed was aimed as usurping his powers as the leader of the party in the region.

Madam Otiko who was also not happy with the turn of events, claimed Bugri Naabu was using her presence in the region to cover up for alleged bribes of goats and cows he took from people promising them appointments when he has no capacity.

In a subsequent back and forth rebuttal, Bugri claimed she and others in the current government were complicit in the murder of the late Adams Mahama, the former Upper East Regional Chairman of the party.

The party’s leadership believes both have misconducted themselves and sanctions could be applied if need be at today’s meeting which will deliberate on the matter among other issues has learnt.

But Ahead of the meeting, the Gender minister to escape blame has rendered an unqualified apology to the party and Mr Daniel Bugri Naabu for her conduct

“…I apologise to all Ghanaians for what happened,” she told Joy News last Tuesday.

“We need to respect women…if we learn to treat one another with respect we will avoid these unpleasant things”

Mr. Naabu is also set to meet with President Akufo-Addo later today Wednesday May 10, 2017.