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General News of Saturday, 18 March 2017


Two Mayors approved

Osei Assibey Antwi and Musah Superior Osei Assibey Antwi and Musah Superior

Osei Assibey Antwi virtually had an easy passage after securing 132 ‘Yes’ votes, representing 99.2 percent, to become the new Chief Executive of the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) yesterday.

He replaces Kojo Bonsu, whose tenure under the erstwhile National Democratic Congress (NDC) administration was cut short when he was forced to step down by some angry Kumasi chiefs.

In all, 133 assembly members, including elected and government appointees, cast their ballot and there was only one rejected ballot in what can be described as a peaceful election.

There was jubilation all over the True Vine Hotel at Nhyiaeso, venue of the election when the Electoral Commission (EC) official, who supervised the exercise, announced the results.

Elated assembly members were seen waving white handkerchiefs, as they beautifully danced to Asante traditional ‘Kete’ and ‘Adowa’ tunes.

In his acceptance speech, Mr Osei Assibey, a former Deputy Ashanti Regional Minister, pledged to unite the assembly members so that they could together develop Kumasi and its environs.

He also indicated his readiness to promote good governance, peace-building and diplomacy as he leads the assembly to affluence so as to bring relief to the people.

The newly-elected KMA boss, who is a development-oriented person, also gave the assurance that his administration would put in place proper mechanisms that would restore dignity to traders in Kumasi within a short time.

Mr Osei Assibey, who has expertise in public administration, commended the assembly members for voting massively for him, assuring that he would be mayor of the people.

The historic event was graced by almost all the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Members of Parliament (MPs) in Kumasi and Nana Akwasi Agyeman, the longest-serving Kumasi Mayor, who was there to give moral support to the new KMA chief executive.

Superior is Tamale Mayor

It was a massive endorsement by assembly members in the Tamale metropolis as they confirmed President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo’s nominee, Musah Superior, as the Chief Executive of the Tamale Metropolitan Assembly.

History was made at the Tamale Sports Stadium, venue for the voting, because this is the first time a nominee has secured 100 percent confirmation from assembly members.

There are 18 government appointed assembly members and 40 elected members, totaling 58, but one person died.

In the election supervised by the Electoral Commission (EC), all the 57 voters balloted ‘Yes,’ representing 100 percent approval of the nominee.

Addressing assembly members at the venue, Mr Musah Superior said he was not going to be a leader but servant to the people of Tamale and its environs.

He thanked President Akufo-Addo for reposing confidence in him by nominating him for the position.

Mr Musah Superior assured the people that he would work hand-in-hand with chiefs, imams and opinion leaders to solve the numerous problems facing the metropolis.

Some party supporters, who spoke to DAILY GUIDE, said Musah Superior is a son of an Abudu and Andani, making him the best person to lead the Tamale metropolis as the new government is bent on reconciling the two royal gates of Dagbon.