Politics of Tuesday, 25 January 2011


Konadu T-Shirts Out

Though the National Democratic Congress (NDC) is yet to open nominations for its flag-bearer hopefuls, DAYBREAK can confirm that the official campaign T-Shirt for the Former First Lady, Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings is out as her agents continue to keep her name relevant to contemporary developments.

The T- Shirt has a beautiful picture of Nana Konadu on the front view with the caption “I BELIEVE IN NANA KONADU” and “CHANGE….REAL CHANGE!” at the back. The precise group in the NDC that sponsored the T-Shirt is unknown as Movement For Nana Konadu 2012 and Friends of Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings (FONKAR) have all distance themselves from the latest stunt.

It would be re-called that barely 36 hours after President John Evan Atta Mills held his ‘comical’ press conference at the beginning of the year, brightly colored posters with a life sized image of Nana Konadu were once again sprung on us (Ghanaians) and hanged at strategic positions in Accra and other regional capitals.

This newspaper also broke the news of how Nana Konadu not so sure of the allegiance of existing newspapers got one of her female children to register a newspaper, The Guardian, with the National Media Commission (NMC) with its agenda solely to advance her interests.

It was also indicated in our publication of January, 11, 2011 that Nana Konadu’s dyed-in-the-wool aide, Ernest Owusu Bempah’s Ghanaian Eye was going to hit the newsstands after almost folding up.

Meanwhile, Nana Konadu has not relented in touring towns and villages across the country to galvanize support for her flag-bearer bid.

She normally operates under the clock of youth groups calling themselves FONKAR and the Movement For Nana Konadu 2012, making it almost impossible for the party hierarchy to place sanctions on her.