Opinions of Saturday, 3 September 2011

Columnist: Agbodza, Christian

Ghana Must Urge Chinese Global Leadership

Ghana must ask the Government of the Communist Party of China (CPC) to show global leadership on behalf of Africa her traditional friends. We want democracy, good governance and sustainable development in all of Africa.

Ghana must ask China to call for an immediate cease fire to be followed by national elections in which all Libyans can freely and fairly vote including Pro-Gaddafi Libyans. We must not have the repeat of Ghana-1966-9 in Libya where the hands of the CPP was illegitimately tied behind its back so the Busias can win the rigged elections. NATO must stop the bombings. The destruction of life and property must stop forthwith Ghana must ask China to call for free and fair elections for all.

Christian Agbodza, CEO of World Governance International speaking in London immediately after the Friends of Libya Conference said that: “Since Ghana’s independence in 1957 it has been the agenda of the former colonialists and their cousins to destroy Progressive African leadership that purposes to liberate, develop and unify the continent using bombs, coups, murder, assassinations and genocidal Kulungugus. Western democratisation through bombings, the export of weapons to such areas to arm one side and fuel division, the destruction of public and private property, the bribery of the Kotokas of the police, the corruption of the Afrifa’s of the country’s Armed forces, the anti-democratic selection of the Busias of the civilian population ready for a Western-orchestrated election, the financing of tribal factions who support foreign interests, the killing of civilians, the Ghanatta-type destruction of the image of a Head of State as a mad dog, a dictator and a thief amongst others all have one aim.” He said the aim is to destroy all progressive leadership and hold an election in which only liberals and conservatives take part. We Ghanaians should know because we have been there before; first between 1966-1969 and second 1982-1992. In both periods progressive forces were excluded in the liberal-conservative democratic state.”

We are therefore calling on His Excellency President J. E. A Mills of Ghana to ask China in the spirit of Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah not to recognise the National Transitional Council (NTC) of Libya and to veto all post-UN Resolution 1973s. The NTC is an anti-democratic imposition on Africa (Libya). Resolution 1973 does not authorise the overthrow of the Government of Libya, the murder of the Head of State of Libya and the killing of Africans especially Black Libyans and sub-Saharan Africans. The UN must itself uphold global justice for all not just the powerful.

Signed: Christian Agbodza MA CEO

Note to the Editor

Christian Agbodza, CEO of World Governance International (WGI) can be contacted on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Christian.Agbodza. His phone number is +44-0759-102-4436. He can also be contacted on christianagbodza@worldgovernanceinternational.com. Some articles culled from Ghanaweb can be found on WGI’s news page on www.worldgovernanceinternatinal.com. WGI promotes democracy, good governance and sustainable development.