Opinions of Saturday, 12 November 2011

Columnist: The Emperor

The Black Race: A Ghanaian Perspective

I have always wondered how the White race came to be so dominant. According to some African historians, there was a time, when White people were living in the cold caves of Europe. Civilization — as we know it — was something unfamiliar and unknown to them! The historians claim that the Europeans were barbarians — who were living in primitive conditions. Their behaviours were far from normal — much less rational! In order to corroborate their claim, the land of Egypt is quoted as the birth place of civilization. Of course, the claim in question hasn’t been left unbothered. Some western historians have come out to condemn it as false! According to them, a conducted research has indicated that civilization had its inception in ancient Babylon. They further argue that upon the arrival of the Europeans on the shores of Africa, we Africans were living in primitive conditions. Our ancestors were uncultured savages in need of a culture! In brief, the civilization — which the African historians claim emerged in Africa — was nowhere to be found.

Personally, I don’t subscribe to the notion that civilization had its inception in Africa. Also, I would leave the probability that it might have began in the Middle East with a big question mark. In fact, it’s totally irrelevant where civilization started. For all I care, it could’ve started from the moon. Mind you, barbarism — which is the opposite of civilization — hasn’t departed from the Earth. At least, not yet. Humans are still murdering and plundering at an alarming rate! Therefore, I wouldn’t put myself in the position to judge who got it right or wrong. What interests me the very most is this; how did the White race come to exercise such dominion over the dark people of the Earth? Were they genetically predisposed to do so or what? You see, I am a proud Ghanaian brother. I am very much in touch with my African roots as one would expect! However, I cannot help but notice how Black people relate to White people. It seems that White people have such power and control over we Black people. For instance; we are so under their influence that we slavishly follow them wherever they go.

Our country has in its possession all that we need to survive and more! Still, most of us trade its warmth and wealth for a solitary existence in the White man’s cold country. Oftentimes, to be confronted with discrimination and other socio-injustice. It’s a fact that when it comes to manufactured commodities from the White man’s country — we Ghanaians cannot help ourselves. We buy them in abundance to make the White man and his economy strong to the detriment of our own! To most of us, anything made by the White man is synonymous to quality — and whatever the White man says the truth. Also, when it comes to self love, the less, the better. We Black people love the White man more than we love ourselves! For instance; when a White man offers a Black man a job to do — the Black man would do it over and above the call of duty. However, when a Black man offers another Black man a job to do, the job would never get done in time or smoothly. Whilst writing this column, Barack Obama, a Black man — was busy slaughtering his fellow Africans in Libya — just to please his White slave-masters — the Zionists. It has been reported that NATO dropped depleted uranium bombs on Libya.

Yes, it could be true that White people used to live in the caves of Europe ages ago. It could also be true that civilization had its genesis in Egypt! So, when did it all go wrong for the Black race? When did we stop evolving? Evolution is synonymous to progress. It means growth! So, if it’s true that civilization began in Africa — then Africa should be leading the rest of the world in development. This hasn’t been the case! The Black race has retrogressed to the point of dependency with little to no creativity to show. Africans cannot solve their own conflicts without getting their former colonial masters involved! Africans cannot feed their own children without asking the White man for aide. Africans cannot develop their respective countries without going to the White man to borrow. It seems that Africans cannot even develop Africa without the permission from the White man. And the question is; why? What sets the Black man apart from the White man? Aren’t both of them human beings? Or, is one higher than the other?

In fact, the manner in which we Africans allow White people to treat us is unnatural. We allowed them to take us into slavery centuries ago! We allow them to determine the purchasing price of our commodities on the world market. We allow them to make decisions without including us on the UN Security Council. Thus, giving them the green light to bomb us whenever they feel like it. Look at what they have done to Libya — an African country! 60.000 deaths due to NATO air-strikes. This is genocide! I call it an African holocaust. But, who would demand justice on behalf of the lawlessly slain? We Africans don't want to be part of the world. It’s evident! There is no sense of competition on our continent whatsoever — much less the need to be a world leader. The Europeans have an innate tendency to subdue the world and everything in it! We Africans, on the other hand, are content to be their slaves. In brief, the Black man looks up to the White man for parenthood, leadership, protection and salvation. The fruits of colonialism, years of slavery, and the Christian dogma — which drugs the minds of its practitioners!

So, no, Africans will never have a permanent seat on the UN Security Council as the White man’s equal. The Asians and the Arabs will — not Africans! Africans have been reduced to little children and are happy to be treated as such. We have become the White man’s puppies. We don't bark nor bite. We just obey! The Arabs look down on Africans. The Asians pity Africans, and Africans don’t love themselves enough to work — much less fight together as one! I would have to give us credit for one thing; treason. We Africans know how to betray our leaders, especially those willing and able to lift us up. And the question is; why? Is it because we Blacks don’t wish ourselves well? This I wonder!

Rest In Peace Muammar al-Qaddafi Welcome 2 the New age of Consciousness! Source: The Emperor