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General News of Tuesday, 25 June 2002

Source: Crusading Guide

Forex Account Of Mrs Rawlings Exposed

Gradually but surely, the painstaking protracted investigations by the Crusading Guide into the properties and accounts (both home and abroad) of “the Rawlingses” and their P(NDC) associates are paying off with interesting results.

Crusading Guide’s Swiss roving scouts have stumbled upon a foreign account in the name of Ghana’s former First Lady, Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings in the Swiss capital of Geneva. The account, which our unofficial sources at the Bank called GONET & CIE described as a “Multi-million dollar facility,” is in the name of Nana Konadu Agyeman (Date of Birth, November 17, 1948).

GONET & CIE, Private Bankers is located at 6 Boulevard du Theatre, CH 1121, Geneva, Switzerland. The Account number is 904242 and is described as an Investment account. Nana Konadu Agyeman is officially listed as the beneficiary and signatory. An unofficial scrutiny of the account, courtesy our unofficial sources at the Bank showed that the current balance is US $632,400! Our sources indicated that the account is a very active one and money, big money flows in and out.

“Millions of dollars have passed through this account over the years. We are endeavouring to get you all the details of the inflows and outflows over the years. Just be patient and you will get the full details”, quipped our sources who specialize in tracking fishy investment accounts and other savings and assets belonging to African politicians and public servants across the globe.

Indications show that the Account Number 904242 has been in existence since the 1980’s when Nana Konadu’s husband ex-Flt Lt Rawlings was Ghana’s undisputed Military Head of State and many Ghanaian businessmen, public servants and detained politicians were dragged before the Citizens Vetting Committee (CVC) and the National Investigations Committee (NIC) to declare their assets and show how they acquired them as well as face alleged tax evasion charges, all in the name of probity, accountability, integrity and transparency.