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Regional News of Wednesday, 17 November 2004

Source: GNA

Teachers boycott classes in protest against defecation

Mfensi (Ash), Nov 17, GNA- The persistent defecation in the classrooms and on the school premises of Mfensi Basic School, in the Atwima District of the Ashanti Region, by some unknown persons, compelled the teachers and pupils to embark on a street protest on Tuesday.

Mr Thomas Kyei, Head teacher, who led newsmen to inspect some of the affected classrooms, said the problem started five years ago and all efforts by the school authorities to address it have proved futile. Blackboards, furniture and the walls have all been smeared with human excreta, while some teaching and learning materials have also been vandalised.

Mr Kyei said it was a daily ritual to see pupils spending their lesson hours to clean the mess.

"Classes are usually held either in the open or under the few shady trees on the school compound and this does not augur well for quality teaching and learning", he said. Mr Kyei said the problem had been reported to the District Education office and the security agencies and expressed optimism that the culprits would soon be found.