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Positive disobedience in the US over same sex marriage

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  • DAVID 8 years ago

    I highly recommend Honourable kIM for des positive disobedience. God bless u. Heaven has paid attention to you, very soon God'S rage will come upon USA.

  • awolowo 8 years ago

    Yes, Kim can divorce twice & marry thrice. A true Christ warrior

  • BlackC 8 years ago

    Kim Davis is a GOVERNMENT clerk in Kentucky USA.

    Kim Davis is free to see gay people as being sinful but she doesn't have the burden the U.S. government has. The government has to deal with everybody whether they have fai ...
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  • Rennie 8 years ago

    GOD bless you.How can a man and man get married. Animals are not doing this bad practice I know GOD shall surely punish such countries.

  • BlackC 8 years ago

    You have no idea what GOD will or shall do.

  • Nikkita 8 years ago

    Animals have been in homosexual relations since Tim immemorial. Lions do it. Dogs do it. Heck, did you never hear about the two gay penguins? If God made you, then he made every gay person. If God still loves and forgives you ...
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  • Asiwome 8 years ago

    The problem with education is that sometimes the message sent is not the message received. Everyone has a right to marry. Now, everyone can decide who or what to marry. If someone does not like who or what someone is marrying ...
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