You are here: HomeOpinionsArticles2015 09 19Article 382796

How to make an application for a U.S visitor’s visa (b-visa)

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  • Godd 8 years ago

    Anybody can see this info on the site of the US embassy in your country. It is available even in the language of the country you reside in.

    The US embassy provides adequate info on its websites for all applicants in very e ...
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  • Suman 8 years ago

    Fella is "hustling-4-biz"!

    Some folks get all their "apor" from Ghanaweb!

  • emmanuel oduro 8 years ago

    please how much do i need to pay before i can get form for the interviews ,convert it to our currency . And further more where shd i go and pay? is it ecobank?