You are here: HomeOpinionsArticles2016 03 10Article 422170

A lazy, sloppy job, period!!!

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  • kabiye bayour 8 years ago

    i guess this is a native of the upper wGod bless you for saying it as it isest region

  • Captain Jean-Luc Picard 8 years ago

    Now we know Francis Kwarteng Arthur has been axed. But we need to know how the whole thing came about. Who authorized what, how much was paid to whom, who were the printers and how did they come to get that job, etc. etc.

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  • United Ghana 8 years ago

    I concur. We need answers to those questions, then everything will be clear and blame can be apportioned. I, strongly, believe cronyism and corruption to be at the root of this disaster.

  • Kwame 8 years ago

    Our little sins and bigger ones kill..We make little mistakes which do not claim human life and a see that as little sins compared to that of others which are still taking the lives of hundred of thousand of people. Let us la ...
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  • Francis Dery 8 years ago

    Hello Captain, you are right. Asiedu Nketia's issue was that he wore a ladies winter jacket. My apologies. Still, a good protocol officer should have alerted him to it. Many of our public officers don't even KNOW how to d ...
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  • KKO 8 years ago

    This is an excellent piece, and you don't even have to apologise for the bit on Asiedu-Nketia, especially since the ambassador who stood in that disgraceful picture with Asiedu-Nketia herself is a woman!

    There ar ...
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