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Politics of Monday, 1 April 2024


2024 polls: NDC bans unapproved caucuses and others

NDC General Secretary, Fifi Kwetey NDC General Secretary, Fifi Kwetey

In a recent directive from the National Democratic Congress headquarters, Regional Executive Committees have been tasked with the dissolution of unapproved caucuses, mushroom organizations, and splinter groups sprouting across various regions and constituencies.

Mr Fifi Fiavi Kwetey, the General Secretary, issued these directives in a statement dated March 27, 2024.

The move aims to maintain order and discipline within the party ranks.

According to the statement, this is to uphold organizational integrity and discipline.

The party's Functional Executive Committee (FEC) recently issued a directive to address the emergence of unapproved caucuses, mushroom organizations, and splinter groups within its ranks.

The decision was made at the FEC's meeting on March 26, 2024, during which concerns over the proliferation of such unauthorized entities were deliberated.

According to the directive, Regional Executive Committees are responsible for dissolving all unapproved caucuses, mushroom organizations, and splinter groups within their respective regions. This measure is crucial to ensuring coherence and unity within the party structure.

The directive, communicated via official correspondence from the Party headquarters, underscores the urgency of the matter.

"Regional executives have been instructed to carry out the dissolution process promptly and submit a comprehensive report to the General Secretary no later than April 8, 2024.

A spokesperson from the party headquarters remarked, "This directive aims to consolidate the party's organizational framework and foster a sense of unity among its members."

"The emergence of unauthorized caucuses and splinter groups can undermine the party's cohesion and dilute its objectives.

Hence, decisive action is imperative to maintain order and discipline."