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Politics of Saturday, 30 September 2023


You’ve been warned, picketing at Mahama’s office will be at your own risk – NDC MP

Dr Clement Apaak, MP for Builsa South Dr Clement Apaak, MP for Builsa South

Member of Parliament for Builsa South, Dr. Clement Apaak, has dragged the Fixing the Country Movement for threatening to picket at the residence of former President John Dramani Mahama.

He has advised them to take heed of the warning served on them by the Greater Accra Regional Youth Organiser of the opposition National Democratic Congress, NDC, and refrain from the planned picketing, or they would have themselves to blame.

The Greater Accra Youth Wing of the NDC has threatened to unleash mayhem on members of the group if they dare step foot at the office of former President John Mahama to embark on any protest against the NDC flagbearer.

The NDC Youth Wing also warned the Convenor for the Fixing the Country Movement, Ernest Kofi Owusu Bempah, who has petitioned the Office of the Special Prosecutor to provide an update on the Airbus scandal case against the former President, to pay for his grave and coffin before he and group members attempt to picket at the residence or office of Mr. Mahama.

“This statement goes as a warning or whatever they may want to call it, to Owusu Bempah and whoever he may be planning this with, that they should not dare come closer to His Excellency John Dramani Mahama’s office. If he and his lapdogs are men, they should make any silly attempt around that office”.

“We would have no issue if Owusu Bempah and his idling hirelings in the NPP want to express their revulsion against their own failed Akufo Addo/Bawumia government for its inability to stamp out corruption. We are, however, aversed to attempts by the so-called group to draw His Excellency John Dramani Mahama into the misgovernance of the present administration”.

“The group, if indeed it exists, and its leader may have a right to demonstrate, but that right must not be exercised in a reckless, illogical and smoke-induced manner” the NDC statement said.

“There are hundreds of scandals under this government that Owusu Bempah must be interested in. If his government is unable to investigate alleged corruption, he should gird his loins and demonstrate against his government”.

“It would only take someone whose brain may probably be on holiday to dream of doing what Owusu Bempah has announced; alI because a certain Akufo Addo/Bawumia government has not taken action on a supposed Airbus scandal.

Mahama is not in charge of any investigative institution, if Owusu Bempah does not know this, then he must stop smoking those contaminated weeds and start reasoning like a normal human being conceived and birthed by a woman”.

“We shall be waiting for him at John Mahama’s office after the 14-day ultimatum, adding that Mr John Dramani Mahama cannot be blamed for the failures of the Akufo Addo/Bawumia government’s inability to investigate any supposed scandal” he threatened.

Reacting to the warning, Dr. Apaak in a tweet on X (formerly Twitter) asked the members of the group not to step foot at the former president’s house.

According to him, his house is not the OSP for them to pick up.

He said the group ought to take on the OSP over the matter since it is his responsibility to deal with it.

He added that the group and its members will picket at Mahama’s house at their own risk.

“You have been served notice. John Dramani Mahama’s Office is NOT the office of the OSP. If the OSP fails to do what you want, shouldn’t you be picketing at the OSP’s office? You will trespass at John Dramani Mahama’s office at your own risk.”