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Regional News of Friday, 7 September 2018


Kwahu-Tafo residents demonstrate against robbery attacks

The residents want government to provide the police in the community with the needed logistics play videoThe residents want government to provide the police in the community with the needed logistics

Drivers, market women of Kwahu-Tafo in the Eastern Region have demonstrated against increasing cases of armed robbery attacks in the area.

The protestors hit the Tafo to Adawso highway to demand police action against these robbery attacks.

Their action follows multiple robbery attacks on residents in one week.

The robbers, in the most recent case, attacked market women who were returning from Affram Plains and made away with millions of Ghana cedis.

"The robbers are always on us, they threaten us with guns and other weapons and take our money anytime we return from market. In fact, the situation is so disturbing that we need serious intervention. The security agencies must show interest in this issue otherwise we will lose our lives and belongings", one of the market women lamented.

They say police in the area lack the needed logistics especially patrol vehicles to deal with the menace.

Meanwhile, police in the area have begun investigating the issue. Mpraeso District Police Commander, DSP Oppong Agyare says they will do everything within their might to clamp down on their activities.