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Regional News of Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Source: GNA

Fishermen escape death as cargo ship rams boat

Three Ghanaian fishermen early Friday morning escaped death narrowly when a foreign cargo ship sailing from the Lome Port in Togo rammed their fishing boat in heavy fog on the high sea off the Aflao coast.
The fishermen, who claimed they lost valuable property including cell phones, fishing gear and foodstuff for the planned four-day expedition, are Kwame Atsu, 22, Innocent Nyalete, 21 and Eklu Sape 33.
Mr Eklu told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) that they found out too late that a ship was tearing through the fog towards them and had to jump off their boat and swim away.
Mr Eklu said they swam back to the area and only found pieces of the boat, which they clutched to for four hours shouting for help until another fishing crew passing by came to their help.
He said the case had not been reported to the Police.