You are here: HomeNews2017 06 16Article 548951

Supreme Court's ruling on retrieval of 'stolen' state money welcoming - Asiedu Nketia

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  • NANA O!! MOTHER 7 years ago

    Bring yours first. We know you have some state money with you.

  • UGLY ASIEDU NKETIA 7 years ago

    Akufo Addo retired Mahama and Ugly and tiny extra luggage ASIEDU NKETIA and Kokuro Fiafitor Ayidoho will always criticise Akufo Addo.

  • Abdulai Mahamaduv 7 years ago

    Normally the think stupidly and forget about themselves.If the NPP judges at the Supreme Court decide that they are now debt collectors,it is a well-coming news.Because all the past and current administration must be investig ...
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  • Idg 7 years ago

    People like u r the reason why some politicians don't even care to steal our common money.
    They know some like u r too stupid to come to support them in case they r probed.

  • Santrofie 7 years ago

    You said it all to that cockroach