You are here: HomeNews2017 07 05Article 555766

I'm not the right person to ask about Woyome's well-being - Woyome's aide

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  • SARPONG 6 years ago

    This fake sickness will not help Woyome, he will be questioned eventually and that useless Doctor giving dubious sickness excuse will be exposed.

    Hopefully Woyome is worried sick and not enjoying the taxpayers money illega ...
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  • Dread 6 years ago

    Lol this idiot wayome wants to play mind game with the high court but the courts are way smarter than he thinks.Fool.

  • boahene 6 years ago

    Go for the booties and let's stop the gimmicks.go to our magistrate courts and see how minor offences are treated.fowl thief is quickly jail and this barbarian wayome walking of the streets